Positive energy — A Sheathed Sword

Fatima Zulfiquar
5 min readJul 26, 2020


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Can just one small act or vibe of yours, change the lives of millions? Do you think it’s possible? Can this be a game-changer, maybe not for all but just for a single person? Wondering what is that tool or potion that can make a difference? So allow me to unfold that one gesture that is within you!

“Smile”-Yes exactly ” your smile”! See it only takes a stretch of 10 muscles of our face to brighten our days or allow me to say “brighten our lives”.

Unfortunately, this sweet gesture is becoming rare in our lives with every passing second, be it for others or ourselves. Negative vibes entourage our minds to such an extent that it seems that we have forgotten what optimistic approach towards life is.

“Does this mean to contract ourselves to a single dark corner and wait for angels to suck up our souls?”

No, absolutely not!


Positivity is no inborn trait with which chosen are born, and only those can have an optimistic approach towards the tremendous blows of time. It is in fact practice, a skill which is to be developed and nourished by an individual to have calmer and constructive handling of life. It drives you from denial to the world of hope.

I’m the Greatest. I said that even before I knew I was.”

Muhammad Ali

Self-believe and positive practical strategies help you to create a successful and meaningful life that results in the achievement of goals and fulfillment of missions that once seemed too good to be true.

Effects of Positive attitude

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Well, a positive attitude is like a fragrance, where it spreads, it enriches the environment. Leaving its effects on an individual life as well as on society as a whole.

On an individual

The practice of positive attitude in our boundaries beautifies our minds and souls in various aspects which leads to a happier and healthier life.

1. Increased heart life:

According to a finding of John Hopkins expert Lisa R. Yanek, M.P.H. and her colleagues:

“People with a family history of heart disease who also have a positive outlook were one-third less likely to have a heart attack or any other cardiovascular event in a period of 5–25 years than those with a negative outlook.”

2. Self- confidence:

It’s the lack of faith that makes people afraid of challenges, and I believed in myself.”

Muhammad Ali

Potion of self-belief flourishes one’s thoughts, making one look for opportunities rather than obstacles in one’s life. It boosts our energies, encourages us to have faith over mighty results and success. Only through this attitude, an individual gets to prove himself to the world.

3. Active and engaging mind:

Through an active and engaging mind, you achieve enthusiasm. Such people are ready to give their sweat and blood to make living worth it. For which they leave no stone unturned with the determination and faith that one day their efforts will be rewarded. Creating opportunities, receptive towards new information, and rejecting the fear of failure- turns out to be their success in the future. How inspiring, isn’t it?

4. Productive social interactions:

Interacting with people is one of the most important chapters of our lives. Confidence of being heard by your surroundings is one of the mantras of self relief surprisingly. This helps you to develop a very strong bond of satisfaction that people are ready to hear your thoughts, and your point of view matters to many, thus enabling you to have a willingness to hear and sprint forward in difficult situations.

Positivity is contagious:

Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash

Talking of social interactions, Is Positivity contagious? Of course, it is?

“We rise, by lifting others” Robert Ingersoll

A leader of an organization, rippling out positive vibes would eventually boost the employees to work harder and better to improve their skills and attain excellence. This exhibition of determination would allow him to take risks and expand his horizons achieving ultimate success. This approach would not only enhance his leadership skills but would result in his ideas being more productive. Allowing his team to handle the stress of trustworthiness, thus exuding the best of their talents and character.

A student displaying an optimistic approach to deal with the stress of his routine work would reflect in his surrounding, creating a studious, comfortable, and challenging environment resulting in constructive expansion of every student within his capacity.

Studies won’t be boring anymore, children would join hands to gear up problems rather than fighting or putting their energies to pull each other down.

The need for Modern times:

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Unfortunately, in modern times the quest and surge to earn money is driving us crazy. This unseen pressure of competition has plucked many flowers from various bouquets. No one is ready to embrace failure or let me say allowed to embrace failure. Today we are being judged from the hair of our eye-brow to the lace of our shoe.

During the 2018–2019 school year, over one-third of the university and college students of U.S. screened positive for moderate to severe symptoms of depression.

My heart aches to say that these numbers don’t reflect upon the depending population but the pillars of society, the future of our world.

While the solution to this is to help such people overcome these difficult circumstances by changing our attitudes towards them. Approaching them with an optimistic mind-set, creating constructive ambiance, and helping them to grow in our society and play our part in making the world a better place.

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Positive thinking is a sheathed sword that has the power to tear the deepest and darkest shadows enveloping the corridors of our brain. It is lost, we just need to find it and unleash it’s infinite power, to brighten the lives of many waiting to be found and rescued.

