Weight Loss- Not an issue anymore!

Fatima Zulfiquar
4 min readJul 21, 2020


Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Enthusiastic to lose weight and become “slim and smart”? Well, that’s not an issue anymore. Today I’ll share with you some gold standard tips which will lead you to healthy weight loss in life. But first, ask yourself “why do you need to lose weight?” “Is it worth it?”

Losing weight should just be treated as modern age “Trending Title” ? or Is it time for us to take it more seriously?

It now needs to be taken with full attention to avoid factors contributing to obesity to overcome complications in the health sector.

In 2018 U.S. state Louisiana was the state with the fifth-highest heart disease death rate in the United States. There were around 212 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in Louisiana, while Oklahoma was ranked first with 228 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants.


Scared? No need to be!

8 Tips for healthy weight loss:

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Losing weight doesn’t mean that the person should starve to death. It is just a balance of some do’s and don’ts that the person should observe and abide by strictly.

  1. Exercise:

The amount of weight possible to lose through regular exercise is another debate in itself, but the benefits of regular exercise are much more than just burning down calories.

Exercise boosts your metabolism, tones your body, and brings out its shape. This can be achieved by doing whatever form of exercise you like, be it dancing, swimming, playing outdoor games, stretching on a yoga mat, or just going for a little walk with your friends or family!

It all works well to give a tough time to your fat cells.

2.Plenty of vegetables and fruits:

Veggies and fruits are an efficient source of different nutrients and vitamins. Large consumption of non-starchy vegetables and fruits like apples, pears, and green leafy vegetables helps to promote weight-loss and reduce a person’s appetite. Thus, causes a reduced intake of meals that add up to your body weight.

3.Elimination of Junk Food:

Well, my next tip might break the hearts of millions, but if you really wanna achieve your goal-Stay determined! Excess consumption of junk food not only boosts your fat cells but also fuels your way to the hospital in the future. If we go down to technical details, the conversation might get even worse! So, just stick ourselves to the pint that Junk — Yummy or bad for tummy”

4.Increase water intake:

Water is for sure 100% calorie-free! Finally something with no calories.

It boosts your body metabolism, burns excess calories, and suppresses the appetite if consumed before meals. Thus, water intake should be one of the prominent points of your list. Don’t you think?

5.Management of stress levels :

Elevated stress levels in our body stimulate the release of certain hormones that increase a person’s appetite. Increased appetite means more food and more food is not our piece of cake, right? Thus, managing your stress level can come in handy as far as our weight loss plans are concerned.

6.Regular sleep cycle:

Irregular sleep-cycles are another major reason for failure in fat reduction even after strenuous exercises. According to John M. Jakicic, director of Physical Activity and Research Center at the University of Pittsburghpoor sleep actually contributes to weight gain.”


7.Minimize sugar intake:

“Less sugar means a slimmer waistline”

Many of us believe that the intake of sugar in a greater or lesser amount is also important for a healthy diet and lifestyle. However, what we tend to forget is that this rule only implies on natural sugars. Since natural sugars are abundantly available in our daily balanced diet plans, there is no need to consume artificial sugars through deserts, candies, or sugary beverages.


8.Have calculated and regular meals:

The calculated plan is a key to success in every field of life- be it your diet plan or some casual routine work. Short, planned, and balanced meals work as a seal to all your efforts made to burn your fat. Skipping meals would make you too hungry for the next meal putting you at the risk of over-eating.

Well, that’s what none of us want!

Lastly, to lose weight it is important not to glue yourself to a particular practice while completely ignoring the rest. This would not add anything to your favor. Stay calm and patient, grasp every significant facet in this regard and no one can stop you from getting what you want. For sure!

Stay safe and Stay Healthy!!

